Horse Care Blog and Articles

We’re here today at the barn to show you the quickest way to pill your horse should you ever need to. These cookies that we developed are softer — they’re wheat, corn, soy, and alfalfa-free. They’re low-carb, low-sugar. You can find the lab results on the side of our box.

Here at A to Z Horse Cookies, we believe in empowering other women within the equestrian community, and love to share the stories of strong business women in the industry! It is a beautiful thing when woman can work together to fulfill their dreams – and that is exactly what sisters Michelle and Heather of DaMoor’s Feed and Tack in Glendale, California have done!

What could be better than an equestrian small business? Those that are run by women, of course! To celebrate National Women’s Small Business Month, we’ve decided to feature some of our favorite women-owned retailers! First up: AJ’s Stafford Feed & Pet Supply in Tualatin, Oregon.

Plastic pollution is a global issue. Since it was first invented over 100 years ago, only 9% of plastics have been recycled – leaving 79% of plastics to be sent to landfills, remain as land pollution, or infiltrate our oceans. With 340 million metric tons of plastic being produced every year, it is vital that we all do our part to reduce, reuse, and recycle. A to Z Horse Cookies is thrilled to announce we are taking steps to reduce our plastic footprint!

There is a reason we call our products horse cookies instead of horse treats. Because when A to Z Horse Cookies was founded, we had something far healthier in mind than the traditional treat for a horse.

In our last blog post, we introduced you to the Retired Racehorse Project, and today we would like for you to meet Gerda’s Equine Rescue! Horse Slaughter Still Exists for American Horses Gerda's Equine Rescue (GER) is 501(c)(3) nonprofit horse rescue based in Vermont, committed to saving the lives of horses who are slaughter-bound for [...]

The ASPCA has declared May Adopt-a-Horse Month. So for the entire month of May, all of our horse treats will be 10% off AND we will be donating 10% of proceeds split between 3 different 501(c)3 nonprofit horse rescues. Let's meet our first chosen rescue - the Retired Racehorse Project. We spoke with the Program [...]

Anyone who has been around a horse knows how hard it is to resist the temptation to want to give them a yummy treat. We just love to see their eyes open up wide as their warm muzzle reaches forward to take the treat. The way their teeth chomp and lips smack while their ears are locked on you, asking for another. But have you ever thought about what might be in those treats you’ve been feeding your horse several times a week, if not every day?